Has anyone ever seen Heather Mills and Ann Coulter in the same room? Which is which in the headshots?
Yup, Macca actually married Ann Coulter and this is what she has over the old liberal softie.
Heather is a snob and a social climber but she doesn't deserve the level of vitriol she's getting from the press. Even so, an unfortunate resemblance to Ann minus a brain and fight-skills does set my teeth on edge whenever I see her. Especially as she dissed the 189 bus route that Macca was rather fond of and which does remarkable service round these here parts.
If I were her mate, I'd say, "Girlfriend. Shut the fuck up. Enjoy your thirty million and put some meat on your skinny behind. You can afford to eat proper now you've ditched the veggie pensioner. Be happy. Get fat. Make some women friends."
Of Ann, Henry Rollins puts it best in his testosterony way, in his Love Letter to Ann Coulter. If you want to have a go at a mad blonde, don't pick on Lady Mucca who is obviously in distress, try this or this or this.
Like The Thatch, Ann tests even my sisterly virtues. But let us not forget it is her womanhood that is her one positive asset. The rest she gets from the lads.
"Girlfriend. Shut the fuck up. Enjoy your thirty million and put some meat on your skinny behind. You can afford to eat proper now you've ditched the veggie pensioner. Be happy. Get fat. Make some women friends."
So true... :)
Also, isn't Heather a vegan?? Yeah the fave word flung in her direction has been...wait for it..."mad"...
An ex-work colleague told me her partner couldn't stand old Heather 'cos she was always slagging off the NHS (the woman's partner works in prosthetics) and met Heather on many occasions and she couldn't understand why people weren't buying the lastest light-weight prosthetics (they cost something like £10,000).
His answer was like.."Errr, they can't afford to spend that amount of cash and the supa dupa high tech prosthetics aint on the NHS but they should be"....
I believe she thought people should go private. Amazed she didn't utter, "let them eat cake"...
Yes, and who could forget her utterance that "people like us" don't take the bus.
But still, whenever I feel myself being sucked into the media hate campaign against the gold-digger, I only have to think of Ann Coulter and that puts it all into perspective.
Now, you've died and, due to some indelible stain upon your soul, have to spend eternity with one of them. Without weapons. Which one?
"Now, you've died and, due to some indelible stain upon your soul, have to spend eternity with one of them. Without weapons. Which one?"
Tough question... I am trying to work out which one would send me around the bend first. At the mo' Coulter may win as Heather does grate massively when she goes on about her "charitable works"....
But it is a tough question indeed.
Wot, you mean you'd rather spend eternity with Ann? Have you checked out the video links?
"Wot, you mean you'd rather spend eternity with Ann? Have you checked out the video links?"
Oppps. Bad judgement on my part as shoulda looked at the video links BEFORE I made my original decision. Oh Dear!!
So...Ms Mills Macca it is...
Ha, ha! Oh lord, what a prospect.
What did you think of the Ann Coulter vids? Aren't they a horrorshow?
It's only a matter of time before creepy Coulter makes it across the pond on a lecture tour. But then again, is she too crude for our homegrown reactionaries? She makes Littlejohn look like a sophisticate.
Sorry, poor English. Try again ...
Ee-uw! Coulter in Britainland.
She's someone who'll end up on I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here, except that might be a bit cruel for the snakes.
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