6.30pm Thursday 6th December in the Great Court.
To mark the First Emperor Terracotta Army exhibition, Anna Chen MCs at the British Museum CHINA LATE event.
An evening of workshops, displays and entertainment:
Fan dance
Ribbon and sword dance
The ancient martial art of Papercutting. (Known to some as the Death of a Thousand Cuts.) Take a sheet of A4 and a pair of scissors ...
Tea & Beer appreciation including a Chinese Drinking Game workshop (!!!)
Weiqi - with the British Go Association
Martial Arts - Shaolin and modern Body, Mind and Spirit systems
Mandarin sessions
Traditional opera
.... and a Prawn Dancer.
Yes, a Prawn Dancer.
And Madam Miaow was an excellent MC....
After trying the fan and ribbon dance workshops (why weren't we allowed to run riot with swords.....)I am sticking to my day job!!
And what a prawn dancer she was (shame about the dodgy broken CD)
Thanks, Louise.
Thanks to the fan-dancing workshop we now know how to shake our tail-feathers. Wish I'd seen the ancient martial art of Papercutting display.
Shame the CD glitched just as the prawn dancer was about to get stir-fried.
But a high old time was had by all.
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