A couple of weeks after the event but I like this photo.
Half of Crosstown Lightnin' (Charles Shaar Murray and Max 'Dee' Doray) and friends in The Grey Horse smoking room waiting to go on for the second half. Taken 11th August 2009, Kingston, South London.
Video of the night's encore with guests John Sinclair and Marc Jeffries (The Plague).

Looked v. good. Will be checking out the video laters.
Smoking room ... huh! Where are the bongs on the tables? Where is the broken glass on the floor from smashed bongs from years aback? Where are the dried up bits of mud with strands of grass that could be stuff you've dropped awhile ago? These 'potential' ingredients are usually found in the spiderwebs you've got in the real smoking room at the back of your 15 car shed. And where is the lookout window where you can see your chickens? No way can this be a smoking room.
I quite like the look of the woman Sam: she really caught my eye. Can I see more of her and is it possible that she could write in this comment's page? She seems so cheeky. Go on MM get in touch and direct her here.
I noticed that you employed that Chinese model to appear in your photo shoot again. Oh there's no accounting for taste. I hope you're not paying her slave wages, you must give a fair wage, no fobbing her off with, 'room and board only'. Under that mop of black hair and she probably .. err.
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