May I just say, "Blimey!"?
I've just heard from the organisers of The Orwell Prize that I've made the longlist in the Blog category. "They are awarded to the book, the journalism and the blogposts which are judged to have best achieved George Orwell’s aim to ‘make political writing into an art’."
When I submitted my entry a few months back I didn't dream I'd get anywhere in this prestigious award so I am delighted to have made the final fourteen.
"This year’s shortlists, of six in each category, will be announced at Thomson Reuters, Canary Wharf on Thursday 15th April at 7pm. The announcement will be followed by a debate entitled ‘have the political classes been fatally weakened?’"
Commiserations to my comrades who also submitted their blogs for consideration. A special mention for Splintered Sunrise who I was convinced would lead the pack and at least get this far as his writing style, wicked wit, and sharp incisive analysis outshine us all in the left. Also for Harpy Marx whose knowledge of the political landscape teaches me much.
Congratulations to the others on the list. You may recognise some of them. Well done.
David Osler Dave's Part
David Smith Letter from Africa
Gideon Rachman rachmanblog
Hopi Sen Hopi Sen
Iain Dale Iain Dale's Diary
Jack of Kent Jack of Kent
Laurie Penny Penny Red and others
Madam Miaow Madam Miaow Says
Mary Beard A Don’s Life
Morus PoliticalBetting.com; Daily Kos
PC Ellie Bloggs A Twenty-First Century Police Officer
ray The Bad Old Days Will End
Tim Marshall Foreign Matters
Winston Smith Working with the Underclass
More about this year's prize here
PS: Ha! I can't believe this news came in just after I succumbed and posted a funny pet video. George must be spinning. Or maybe not. He did, after all, own a poodle called Marx, thus proving a fondness for mutts combined with a sense of humour. Hey, perhaps the pet pooch video is the perfect Orwell blog item. Judges, please note.
EDIT: Other left blogs submitted and worth checking out include: Andy Newman Socialist Unity, Phil BC A Very Public Sociologist, Lenin's Tomb, Kevin Blowe Random Blowe, Jim Jepps The Daily (Maybe), Sunny Hundal Liberal Conspiracy, and Neil Clark
My essay on George Orwell here. Written as a review of John Newsinger's insightful biography.
Well Done Madam Miaow.... Fantastic news!!!!!
Congrats!! Also pleased to see Laurie Penny on there.
Oh. My. God. That is brilliant, and very well deserved. Quite a good field, too - I see three or four more of my regular reads there. Congrats and good luck!
Excellent news !!!!!
Congratulations now it's time to show'em what you're made of :-)
Thanks all. Much appreciated.
Claude, sugar and spice and all things nice, of course. With a soupçon of garlic and soy sauce.
Many many congratulations. Although I agree, SplinteredSunrise should have made the longlist. Long time lurker, by the way, hello! *waves*
Congratulations! I am very happy for you. :) Keep up the good work...
Thank you very much, everyone. And hi, Laurie, fellow longlister. *waves back*. (Can't wait for our brag badges.)
It is quite an awesome honour to make the longlist, especially when you look at the event's history and see some of the others you're up against.
It also makes me realise that all the times I thought I was a lone voice yelling into empty space, some people were hearing it. That's one reason why those of you who comment here play a major part in keeping my pecker up. It is great the way the blogosphere creates supportive communities for those with progressive views.
I hope George would be pleased that we are trying to uphold his ideals and principles.
This calls for champagne ...
Well-earned, richly-deserved ...
Success to your ventures, Ma'am, and confusion to your enemies.
Good news; all the best!
All the luck of the Irish.
Good news.
I always thought your blog was terrific.
Thanks again, all. And do visit the other lefty blogs on the list.
Congratulations - I hadn't read your blog before the longlist was published. I am enjoying back through the archives :-)
Cheers, Jack. Likewise, I didn't know about yours but I'm pleased to have made your acquaintance. Glad to see you fighting the good fight over the libel laws. Best of luck.
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