Picture: The first documented Chinese in Britain, Shen Fu Tsong, a Jesuit convert who translated the Chinese books at the Bodleian Library in the 17th Century and whose portrait hung in the bedchamber of King James II
The first of the two omnibus repeats of my series, Chinese In Britain, went out last night on Radio 4 at 9pm. It was originally a ten-part series broadcast April/May 2007 and has now been edited into two hour-long episodes.
Next one is Friday 23rd May at 9pm.
You can listen for seven days at:
BBC Online
“A fascinating story” - Chris Campling, The Times
“Each episode sounded effortless only because it had been crafted with such supreme care” - Gillian Reynolds, The Daily Telegraph
Hi Anna, listened to it last night. Excellent and informative!
Ta very much, Noel.
Yeah, I too listened and it was very informative.
Hi, is there a transcript available for this prog?
Glad you're enjoying it, Louise.
Sorry, Andrew, no transcript as yet. But I'll pass on your enquiry to the producer.
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