Had a great time last hosting the weekly Lucky Cat hour at Resonance 104.4FM last night thanks to my guests Merlene Emerson and Jasper Sharp, and Zoe Baxter who invited me along and drove the desk.
Pix above of us celebrating our triumph, dwahlinks, in the local bar afterwards. Hmm, I need to work up a good moody face. Hey, what's that glow out the top of my head?
Love Resonance! If you do this again you must let me know Madame M.
Sorry I was so late posting the info. Left it to the last minute so lots of people missed it.
Resonance is amazing especially as they basically depend on donations. I love the way they're trying to do something different and away from the mainstream.
I like your look
Kind of mainstream
Kind of sexy
Kind of intelligent
Something to curl up to
Something to stroke gently
Something to have a giggle and a laugh
And a quiet tok
Yea I could that
Whenever you're ready
Whenever you want
Whenever there's time
To wait in the bullrushes
To bull with the three brushes
Of love
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