WTF??? Loveland Park in Chongqing, China, will be the world's first sex theme park. When did that happen?
Prolefeed and objectification is alive and well in the People's Republic. My poor late father must be spinning.
UPDATE: Thanks to Oliver for the news that it's been cancelled.
I don't know what to say? It might be fun.
I think the woman in the picture is looking for her children.
Obviously it has happened before going by the sign above.
Might be fun, Renegade. Or just very depressing to have sex sheared off from everything else and commodified.
Anyhow, my body is my theme park. Every gurl has a water-slide, a tunnel of love, and bumpy roller-coaster bits. Just don't go sticking no pound coins in no slots ...
'Anyhow, my body is my theme park'
Maybe the woman's children have taken a wrong turning your way.
Hmmm...I wonder if its theme song will be John Mayer's "Your Body Is A Wonderland"?
Construction on this project was cancelled over the weekend.
Construction on this project was cancelled over the weekend.
Oh no I've booked air flights and theme park tickets for me and seven of me mates
Anyhow, my body is my theme park. Every gurl has a water-slide, a tunnel of love, and bumpy roller-coaster bits. Just don't go sticking no pound coins in no slots ...That doesn't sound commodified.
Wow I forgot about your theme park MM .. can me and me mates err...
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